
Software. Because it's pretty neat.

Glenn "I want to learn the ways of the force like my father" Hurd

Seeker after truth...

Glenn enjoys creating simple and robust user interfaces with Python & Javascript and has a passion for artificial intelligence. This site represents a show-case for projects to expand horizons and generally have fun doing so.

Picture of Glenn
Picture of Rebecca

Rebecca "But it says 'Fun for all ages' " Sullivan

I'm really a dancer in disguise...

Having danced in the preprofessional division of the Atlanta Ballet, and heading to college three years early, Becca earned Bachelor's degrees in Oboe performace and Dalcroze Eurhythmics. She then went on to complete her MBA in Marketing. In case anyone doubted that she could do anything, she finally decided that her father, brother and husband shouldn't have all the fun and has embarked on an adventure in software development.

Drew  "[insert humor] " Sullivan

Incessantly trying to be funny, Drew hits his mark about 3% of the time... on a good day.

After finishing his PhD, Drew looked up an eagerly inquired "What's next?" After finding out that they stopped making degrees, he is trying to climb a new mountain and is showing that the conventional wisdom that musicians can do anything is more than urban legend.

Picture of Drew
Picture of Lyman

Lyman "Paterfamilias" Hurd

Lyman is the spiritual leader of our clique of programmers.

Unlike those I pretend to advise, I am a self-taught programmer as I am a mathematician by education. A software developer as my day job, believe it or not this is what I do on weekends for fun. In my colleagues' view, for good reasons, I am kept safely away from the front end, so this is my forum to explore techniques I wish I knew more about. This is combined with a passion for games and puzzles, e.g., my collaboration with Glenn on a Checkers AI.